Miss Rory {Simple and fun studio children’s portraits in Colorado Springs and Old Colorado City}
I had the chance to take some simple, yet fun studio portraits of little Miss Rory yesterday! I’ve known this little gem since she was
I had the chance to take some simple, yet fun studio portraits of little Miss Rory yesterday! I’ve known this little gem since she was
Photography is such a beautiful way to preserve moments and milestones in our lives. I am constantly seeing beauty unfold right in front of me; whether it be a gorgeous mama-to-be holding her belly in the sunshine, a dad rocking his newborn to sleep, or big brother playing with his little sister’s toes and giggling all about it. That is what makes me the photographer I am today. The little moments, the precious little moments that slip away; that is what I want to capture for you!
©2024 Touch of Joy Photography