It’s been a month since I last posted! I guess the holidays and traveling took over and I wasn’t motivated to take belly pictures. It has been  pretty good. My tummy issues are finally getting to a very tolerable point in this pregnancy. I started to notice a difference right around Christmas which was my 17th week- thank you baby for the Christmas gift 🙂 I started feeling little bitty kicks at 17 weeks as well. I remember I laid down flat on my back and felt about three little kicks down low.  Every day since I have felt a few kicks, not as many as I would like though. I wonder if the placenta is in front of the baby because I was practically seeing kicks by now with my other two. We have been thinking about names a bit more and came up with a few we kind of like but still haven’t decided yet. I will let you know when we figure it out!! In one week I get the 20 week scan and exited to confirm that this baby is indeed another girl or maybe..possibly..a boy? The baby must be growing because today my lower back and lower abdomen feel like they are stretching…ouch. I feel like I am getting pretty big, but sometimes I feel really small. I think it depends on what I ate that day! Almost half way…or if this pregnancy is anything like the last..then I would be half way!

Here is my 18 week pictures taken just tonight!