Exhaustion… the word of the month. All I do is sleep it seems. I wake up in the morning and eat my 2 small breakfasts abt 30 minutes apart, take Lilly to school and by that time I usually don’t feel good at all. I usually just take a small morning nap while Claire plays in her play room across the hall. I am really happy she does so well by herself. She usually puts on a Disney movie into her vcr and sneaks a few snacks out of the kitchen, no harm there. I really wish I was feeling more motivated to get things done, but I am not..not at all. Surprisingly, my house is semi decent right now though:)

A week ago we decided to go in and get a sneak peak of what the gender might be. I went in there convinced my feelings where correct and it was a boy! When the ultrasound tech said girl, I was truly surprised for some reason. Joe- not so surprised lol. He stayed very calm and positive. I cried a little bit but feel pretty much over it now. I am thankful for this child even if it is another girl, girls are great! I just really wanted a little boy. We will confirm the gender at 20 weeks, so I am still holding on to a small bit of hope that maybe there is a little boy in there.


I am still really sick to my stomach everyday..I just keep waiting for that break I truly hope will happen sooner rather than later 🙂

Just taking it day by day at this point..I am almost 4 months pregnant now 🙂