I was really exited when Julie texted me the night before these photos were taken to tell me she thought she was in labor. I tossed and turned all night wondering when I would be heading to their home birth.She was over 41 weeks gestation. At last, in the early morning while getting my 6 yr old off to school, I was given the okay to head that direction.  It was actually a snowy morning. Once I got to their home Julie was in the early stages of labor, but things seemed to pick up within an hour of being there. Once she started feeling more uncomfortable she headed to the birth pool. Her husband Dan and midwives assistant filled pots of hot water and started to boil them so they could poor the hot water in the tub since it wasn’t warm enough. She labored in the pool for a few hours until it was time to push. The pushing stage went on for quite some time, but with a ton of work Julie had her baby on the couch, where her and her husband discovered it was indeed a baby girl! Her name is Emily. It was a beautiful home birth to witness, and I am thankful Dan And Julie invited me for such a precious day in their lives 🙂